Allie Tompkins, M.S. Ed, BCBA

Director of Advocacy & Program Development

Allie grew up in New Hampshire attending public schools, and after studying political science at the University of Vermont she changed paths and started working in a residential program for young adults on the autism spectrum in Massachusetts, and then in clinical and public school settings in the United Arab Emirates & New Hampshire. Allie graduated with her Master’s in Special Education from Simmons University in 2014 and became a Board Certified Behavior Analyst in 2016.

Allie is currently a 3rd-year doctoral student studying education at the University of New Hampshire interested in researching disability activism, social-emotional learning, and social justice in schools. Her work interests include teaching consent and functional communication, leisure, and play skills, and helping her clients develop new social repertoires based on their interests. Education is a family pursuit for Allie as her mom, brother, and sister all work in schools as well. In her free time, Allie is a dedicated dog mom of two, considers herself a late-in-life skier, and tries to practice yoga every day.